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About Us
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Conditions and Services
Pulmonary/Ventilator Liberation
Innovative, comprehensive programs to help restore independent breathing
Medically Complex
Interdisciplinary care that addresses significant, chronic critical illness
Brain Injury
Hope and healing following stroke, aneurysm or trauma
Neurologic Conditions
Comprehensive, stabilizing treatment to begin recovery
Infectious Disease
A biologically balanced approach to care
Cardiac Conditions
Post-surgical and medical management to prepare for cardiac rehabilitation
Wound Care
Skin integrity and advanced wound management
Renal Disorders
Evidenced-based treatment to stop, manage or delay disease progression
Regency Hospitals provide an unparalleled scope of programs and services. Our expert care and treatments help patients build a foundation for recovery of more independent breathing, speaking, eating, thinking and moving.
Why Choose Us
Patient Outcomes
Measuring our patients’ progress
Maintaining the highest care standards
Five Focus Areas of Recovery
Concentrating on early rehabilitation
Success Stories
What patients say about Regency Hospitals
Medical expertise, clinical experience, care excellence and an unwavering commitment to advancing quality of life. It is also why thousands of patients and their families nationwide entrust us with their care each year.
Patients and Caregivers
Your Experience
Care that restores quality of life
A seamless start to critical illness recovery
Success Stories
What patients say about Regency Hospitals
Your Interdisciplinary Team
Skilled professionals guide your recovery
We’re here to answer all your questions
See our unparalleled care settings
MyChart and Request for Medical Records
Financial Assistance
Community Health Needs Assessment
Our goal is to give you or your loved one more time to recover from critical illness and prepare for the next care level – or transition home. To do that, we provide individualized treatment, support progress, celebrate success and work together to restore quality of life.
Clinical Outcomes
Meeting goals, exceeding benchmarks
Refer a Patient
Helping you help your patients recover
Credential Verification
Learn how to receive privileges at our hospitals
Access CareLink
Coding and billing support for professional staff
Regency Hospital Company focuses on treating a variety of medically complex conditions. Sharing our expertise is an integral part of our commitment to excellence. We believe that by applying the best evidence-based research to clinical practice, we can assure our patients receive the best possible care.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Regency Hospitals are an affiliate or subsidiary of the Select Medical Corporation.
Select Medical Corporation’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here